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Linux / Apache2 / MySQL / MSMTP / PHP Web, or App Server Setup

Linux / Apache2 / MySQL / MSMTP / PHP Web, or App Server Setup

LAMMP Web, or App Server Setup Note: Ubuntu 14.04, and 16.04 were used, but it should work on most Debian, and RedHat/CentOs (yum install) approach, would follow very closely as well. This is less of a blog post and more of a how-to, brought about by recent activities...
Nginx, Python, Flask-SocketIO and REST API’s over WebSockets

Nginx, Python, Flask-SocketIO and REST API’s over WebSockets

Another app server how-to, this time for an Nginx-backed, REST App server, running flask-socketio for adding real-time as well as HTTP end-points.  This is a useful feature, to be able to take advantage of all the socketio libs popping up for Javascript, Swift, C++...