*Disclaimer, and terms of service: This site and the owners of this site, Beach Cities Software, LLC, claim no responsibility for any loss, damages, or injury that you may receive from following the instructions in this post. By continuing to read this post, you agree to hold, Beach Cities Software, LLC, and it’s owners, heirs and all related parties, harmless and, furthermore, you agree that there is no warranty or representation of safety, or functionality, represented here. This is merely a description of a possible means to automate ones garage door, and you assume full responsibility for how you use this information.
Step 1 – Start Here
I won’t even bother taking credit for this next part, go to the link above, if you haven’t already, and I’ll wait. Follow the instructions, like I did. Remember, that you attempt this at your own risk. Absolutely, turn off the circuit breakers, for your garage before messing with it, and make sure that you’re garage door opener supports this feature. Consult with qualified electricians before attempting anything you’re unsure of, use rubber-gripped tools, and never work with live current.
Step 2 – Done?
Ok, if you’re here, I’ll assume you took the same pi, and got it working according to the authors instructions. If not, go back to Step 1.