*Disclaimer, and terms of service: This site and the owners of this site, Beach Cities Software, LLC, claim no responsibility for any loss, damages, or injury that you may receive from following the instructions in this post. By continuing to read this post, you...
*Disclaimer, and terms of service: This site and the owners of this site, Beach Cities Software, LLC, claim no responsibility for any loss, damages, or injury that you may receive from following the instructions in this post. By continuing to read this post, you...
Using git for Source Control 101 Using git for source control has become ubiquitous with software development, and has largely replaced older source control methods, including CVS, and Subversion (SVN). Here’s some of the more common git commands. Initializing...
Installing, dnsmasq, on a Raspberry PI3 server, to serve DNS and DHCP for your home, can and will and save on bandwidth costs by caching DNS results locally. Additionally, having a local DNS Server on your network, may speed up internet browsing significantly. This...
If you haven’t already setup your Ubuntu server, please read this post, and get the Ubuntu server running on AWS’ free-tier, first. Otherwise, proceed here for the basic WordPress setup. If you’ve never used WordPress, then now’s your chance...